Support means a lot for a person for encouragement. It could be motivational or financial to make a person powerful, prosperous, and triumphant. Our parents, siblings, partners, and friends always show their encouragement when we need it. Parents said their kids since childhood, and siblings & friends’ encouragement is needed mostly during their teenage and after getting married husband and wife encourage each other.
If one does not support
Partners must encourage each other as both are like the wheels of an auto, if one doesn’t support the other feels alone and works alone which is very difficult for all alone. That is what I observed with my husband. He does not aid me whenever I need his cooperation or any inducement. He is very non-supportive of me whereas I always perpetually prop him. When I asked for his opinion, he never paid attention. For this reason, I have to settle personally all in all.
My loneliness and his support
I vitally require some aid. It is like I want to talk with someone. Or when I feel lonely or sorrowful in my loneliness but he does not concern me and does not even look at me. He does not even ask me why you are so quiet. Might you miss your family? He always behaves rudely which agonizes me. It seems as if he has become stiffened up.
My experiences with him
Frequently, when I plead for help, he pretexts that he is busy. He could be busy, but he has to listen to me and assist me with whatever I need just because I am his spouse and he is a man to contribute. Often, I feel weary and seek to relax, but my partner displays an unwilling attitude even then. It is incomprehensible why he is so non-supportive with his wife.
Stubborn partner
He has a stubbornness attitude which is why does not listen to me. I need commendation which he distastes. He does nothing for me like taking care of me or taking me on trips. Sometimes he just argues with me about whether I am right or wrong he only tries to put me down. He doesn’t like to assist me. That is why I do all my jobs all alone that is how I became a mighty woman.
I feel distressed and broken
When I remain in stress he does not give sympathy to me I cry and he ignores me as he thinks he will decrease his value if he shows his sympathy to me. Sometimes I feel all alone but he doesn’t speak a word or do funny things to make me laugh. When I feel broken he doesn’t encourage me as I am not allowed to bother him.
For job and study
If I want to learn anything, he does not support me and gives me time so that I may learn easily and relaxed atmosphere. If I want to do any job he does not appreciate me. It is tough for me to study and do a job without getting much time.
His anger
When I make any mistake or do not manage all tasks on time he shows his temper and ridicules me as I am idle and cannot pay clear attention to work. He only speaks bad words. Sometimes I want him to hold my hand with love and trust and give some hugs of care but he does not like all these romantic moments he remains boring sometimes I need his admiration for me but he does not applaud me. But I am very grateful that he does not torture me physically and mentally. Otherwise, some man tortures their wives to disturb them mentally. That is how he is better than others.
Financial support
He does not motivate me as he is a quiet person. He does not perceive how to give sympathy but financially supports me as he knows that in this century money is the top most required thing in life. I spend more money he does not fight. He has given me an independent life which is essential. He does not stop me if I am eager to go someplace or do anything. His financial support is also fruitful but still, I require his motivation which he does not know.
I must say husband and wife must aid each other as they both have to run a family with motivation and their kids also need some assistance for their well-being and future as well. What do you do your kids will learn for this reason partners should make themselves role models for their kids.
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