Loneliness and homesickness

Some people are cheerful some are boring some are open some reserved. With my loneliness, I am in a group of reserved people because I don’t open up about myself, my past, or my plans for the future. On the other hand, I am also a very supportive person. I always support my siblings, parents, husband, and my friends as financial or motivational. I did a lot with everyone but still, feel so lonely which I don’t know why.

And my loneliness

Normally everyone says, I am very motivated and remain reserved in my tasks where I don’t intervene with someone’s business. This is a good personality trait that many people like but sometimes I feel lonely and need to gossip with someone but when I look around me I don’t find anyone to share anything with. Because of what I can see, all of my family and fellows remain busy babbling with each other and they don’t note that I also want to chat as I feel solitary. But no one is concerned. All these overlooked attitudes of those people are the reason for my homesickness.

Sadness and sorrows

Sometimes I perceive no one worries when I am sad because I don’t express my emotions to everyone. But that doesn’t mean I don’t need motivation or support however I always motivate people. I am truthful and simple which some people don’t like. And I think most people are mean, giggle with someone when they want, and share their grief when needed. Most people remember me only when they need my help. Most times they ignored me which sensed me like a tissue paper.

My other character

I am a reserved person but I have one more personality of a jolly or a cheerful person. But still, I feel alone which no one comprehends. I also enjoy my life in my way but people think I live solitary as I like loneliness. I make people laugh I try to remove the sadness of sorrow people which is why people interact with me so easily. People also love to chat with me because I don’t insult them. I always support and give love and sincerity but people take benefit from it.

When I need support and time

Usually, this happens to me I need the support of my family or fellows but no one supports me or if they support me it is for a little time. I always give my time and support to my loved ones but they don’t give me time when needed. This behavior of people hurt me a lot and even broke me.


Kisses and hugs from my husband

My husband is a boring person which I understand but with his stubbornness, he doesn’t sense when I need and miss his hugs and kisses. It annoys me because I had a dream before marriage that my husband should understand me. Unfortunately, he doesn’t sense my emotions, desires, and needs he doesn’t appreciate me. All the time he overlooks me and my solitary too which is killing behavior for a female life partner who plays a major role in encouragement and love and to remove grief and loneliness which my partner doesn’t give me. That is also the reason for homesickness.

I used to be a crybaby

In my childhood, most people used to treat me with love and care as I used to be a crybaby. As I grew older I apprehended, that crying is not a solution to any problem and people don’t let it leave a tearful person that is why a crybaby has to live a daring life as he/she faces many challenges but these troubles make him/her robust. For this reason, I made myself sturdy enough to fight my battles and with loneliness on my own, to sort out my matters myself, and apprehend this world the cruel and mean people of this world. That is why, I modified myself from a crybaby to a powerful woman. As soon as I comprehended people and saw their true faces I started making a distance from those people that is how I became alone.

My homesickness

Living solitary is a big challenge for any female but it is better for this modern time where people are mean. However, surviving alone is not an option for any complication, and nor is any right idea to get rid of evil people that is why many people face issues of homesickness which is something that kills a person very easily.

Time passes with happiness or sadness but it gives some unforgettable memories. Unfortunately, my bad memories are attached to my past which also made me sorrowful but still, I am a courageous person and I made my life gleeful where my grief and loneliness remain aside which normally I overlook. But everyone gets happiness, only my share remains.

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